Friday, April 24, 2015

Microsoft Excel Basic Skills

This tutorial provides an overview of how to use many of the basic features of Microsoft Excel. Step-by-step instructions are provided for: moving within a spreadsheet, selecting portions, entering text, editing text, editing columns, aligning text, making entries bold, italicized, and underlined, deleting cells, automatically entering information, changing the direction the cursor moves when enter is pressed, making calculations, using prewritten functions, adding columns and rows, using the Goto function, opening, saving, and exiting within Microsoft Excel.

Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Excel is the spreadsheet component of Microsoft Office that allows users to produce, share, examine, study, and explore data.
Starting Microsoft Excel
To Start Microsoft Excel:
1. Click on the Start button on the left side of the taskbar; then click Programs; then click Microsoft Excel.
Creating a Blank Spreadsheet
To Create a New Spreadsheet::
1. Select New from under the File Menu.

2. A Blank sheet should appear on screen.

Moving Within a Spreadsheet
1. Use the arrow keys to move one cell in the direction of the arrow.

2. Use the Page Up or Page Down key to move the cursor forward or backward one page.

3. Use the End key followed by an arrow key to move to the end of the spreadsheet in the direction of the arrow.

4. Use the End key followed by the Home key to move the cursor back to cell A1.

5. To move the window without moving your cursor, press the Page Down key then press the Scroll Lock key. Use the arrow keys to move the window in the desired direction. Press the Scroll Lock key to turn this feature off.

Selecting Portions of a Spreadsheet
1. Place the cursor in the cell located in the top left corner of the section you wish to select.

2. Hold down the control key until you have completed selecting all sections you wish to select.

3. Press and hold down the left mouse button and move the cursor over the area you wish to select.

4. Release the left mouse button (but not the control key).

5. Place the cursor in the top left corner of the next section you wish to highlight.

6. Press and hold down the left mouse button and move the cursor over the area you wish to select.

7. Release the left mouse button.

8. Release the control key.

9. You may now perform functions on the selected cells.

10. To eliminate the highlighting, press Escape and click anywhere on the spreadsheet.

Entering Text
1. Place your cursor in the cell in which you want to enter text.

2. Type the information you want to include in the cell.

3. Press enter.

Editing Text
1. Place your cursor in the cell you want to edit.

2. Press the F2 key.

3. Use the backspace/delete/arrow keys to edit your entry.

4. Press enter.


1. Place your cursor in the cell you want to edit.

2. Place your cursor in the Formula Bar in the area where the text appears.

3. Use the backspace/delete/arrow keys to edit your entry.

4. Press enter.


1. Place your cursor in the cell you want to edit.

2. Double click in the cell.

3. Use the backspace/delete/arrow keys to edit your entry.

4. Press enter.

Changing Column Widths

1. Select Format from the menu bar.

2. Choose Column from the drop-down menu.

3. Click on Standard Width from the drop-down menu.

5. Enter the width for the columns in your spreadsheet.

6. Click OK.


1. Place the cursor anywhere in the column you want to make wider or more narrow.

2. Select Format from the menu bar.

3. Choose Column from the drop-down menu.

4. Choose Width from the menu that appears to the right.

5. Enter the width you desire for this column.

6. Click OK.


1. Place the cursor in the first row of the spreadsheet on the line dividing the column you wish to change from an adjacent column.

2. Hold the left mouse button and move the cursor to the left or right to adjust the width.


Aligning Text Within a Cell
1. Place your cursor in the cell you wish to format (or choose a section of cells).

2. Select Format from the menu bar.

3. Choose Cell from the drop-down menu.

4. Click on the tab labeled Alignment.

5. Click on the arrow next to the box for Horizontal Field.

6. Select the desired placement of text within cells from the drop-down menu.

7. Click OK.


1. Place your cursor in the cell you wish to format (or choose a section of cells).

2. Click on the icon on the toolbar that represents the format you prefer.

Making Entries Bold, Italicized, or Underlined
1. Enter the text in the cell.

2. Click on the green checkmark that appears in the formula bar.

3. Click on the icon (B, I, or U) on the toolbar that represents the attribute you wish to add to the text.

4. To add an attribute to an entire section, select the section then click on the appropriate icon.

Deleting Cell Entries
1. Select the cell or cells containing the information you wish to delete.

2. Press the delete key.
Automatically Entering Series Information
1. Enter the first entry in the series (e.g. Sunday or Number 1)

2. Highlight the cells containing the first entry (if there is more than one series involved you should place your cursor in the first cell, press F8, then use the arrow key to highlight the remaining series).

3. Click on the small black square at the corner of the highlighted area and while holding the left mouse button, highlight the area you wish to have completed with the series information.

4. Press the Esc key.

5. Place your cursor anywhere on the spreadsheet to remove the highlighting.

Changing the Direction the Cursor Moves When Pressing Enter
1. Select Tools from the menu bar.

2. Choose Options from the drop-down menu.

3. Select the tab labeled Edit.

4. Place a checkmark in the box next to Move Selection by clicking in the white box if no checkmark appears.

5. Choose the direction you want your cursor to move when you press enter after entering text.

6. Select OK.

Making Calculations
1. You can add (+), subtract (-), multiply (*) ,divide (/), or perform exponential functions (^) within a spreadsheet by placing an equal sign (=) before the entry for a cell.

2. For example if you want to add the number entered into cell F3 to the number entered in cell F4 and print the answer in cell F5 you would enter the following in cell F5: =F3+F4. This will result in the sum appearing in cell F5.

3. To ensure that the calculations are recalculated each time a change is made to the date in the spreadsheet you should turn on the automatic calculation option.

a. Select Tools from the menu bar.
b. Choose Options from the drop-down menu.
c. Click on the tab labeled Calculations.
d. Select Automatic by clicking in the circle to the left of the word if it is not filled in.

e. Click OK.
Using Prewritten Functions
1. Enter your numerical data in the appropriate cells. (Ex. 4 in B4, 5 in B5 and 6 in B6).

2. Select Insert from the menu bar.

3. Choose Function from the drop-down menu.

4. Select the function you wish to perform from the menus in the pop-up box. (Ex. AVERAGE)

5. Enter the first and last cells you wish to have the function calculated upon, separating the first and last by a colon. (Ex. AVERAGE (B4:B6)). You may also add additional cells by entering the cell location in the field for number 2.

6. Click OK.

7. The result of the function will be displayed.
Adding Rows
1. Place your cursor on the left-most cell in the row below where you wish to have rows added.

2. Use your mouse (or press the F8 key and use the arrow keys) to highlight the same number or rows as the number you wish to add.

3. Select Insert from the menu bar.

4. Choose Rows from the drop-down menu.

5. New rows equal to the number of rows you highlighted should appear above the rows you selected.

Adding Columns
1. Place your cursor anywhere in the column to the right of the location where you want the new column to appear.

2. Use your mouse (or press the F8 key and use the arrow keys) to highlight the same number of columns as the number you wish to add.

3. Select Insert from the menu bar.

4. Choose Columns from the drop-down menu.

5. New columns equal to the number of columns you highlighted should appear to the left of the columns you selected.

Using the Goto Function
1. Press the F5 key.

2. Enter your desired cell destination.

3. Click OK.

Opening a Saved Spreadsheet
1. Open Microsoft Excel.

2. Select File from the menu bar.

3. Choose Open from the drop-down menu.

4. Enter the file name that your spreadsheet was saved under.

5. Click Open.

Saving a Document
1. Select File from the menu bar.

2. Choose Save from the drop-down menu.

3. Enter the file name under which you want to save the spreadsheet.

4. Make sure that Microsoft Excel Workbook appears in the block next to file type. If it does not, select it from the drop-down menu.

5. Click Save
Exiting Excel
1. Select File from the menu bar.

2. Choose Exit from the drop-down menu.

3. If you have saved your document, click No when asked if you want to save changes to the document. If you have not saved your document, click Yes and follow the instructions above for saving the document.

An Example Of A Sample Table and Calculations Done in Excel -- > follow the

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When you first start PowerPoint, you'll have four basic choices:
  • Create a new, blank presentation
  • Create a new presentation based on a formatted template
  • Open a recent presentation
  • Open a presentation somewhere else on your computer or network

On the left side of the screen are presentations you had open recently. Click one to reopen it. At the bottom of the list, click Open Other Presentations to open one that isn't in this list.
On the right side of the screen, the Blank Presentation will give you exactly what the name says: a screen that's blank except for a content placeholder, and has no formatting. If you want a presentation that's already formatted, click one of the others. Even if you choose the blank one, you can still apply any of the formatting that's on this screen.
So to start with, choose Blank Presentation, and that's what you get:

To apply the formatting from a template in the Windows version of PowerPoint, click the Design tab.

In the Mac version, click the Themes tab.

In Windows, if you roll the mouse over any of the samples, you'll get a live preview of the presentation with the theme applied. As long as you don't click, nothing gets applied. You're just seeing a preview. The Mac version doesn't display previews. You have to click one and apply it to see how it'll look, but you can always undo (press Command-Z).

There is more here than immediately meets the eye. To see several rows of templates, in Windows click the Down Arrow on the right side of the list, and on the Mac, roll the mouse pointer over the themes to see a down arrow just under the list. Click the arrow to see more themes.
To see some alternate formats for the theme you chose, do the same in the Variants section on the right. Roll the mouse pointer over a few of them, then click one you want.

If you click the Down Arrow of the Variants list, you can choose different color schemes, fonts, effects and background styles for the template you just chose.

For example, you can choose Colors, and get previews of different color sets.
You can also preview and choose font sets from the same menu:

And you can also preview and choose a background style, if you want.

In the Mac version, the buttons for Colors, Fonts and Backgrounds are on the right side of the ribbon, in the Theme Options section.

The Windows and Mac versions have different themes and other formatting options, but if you bring a Windows PowerPoint file onto a Mac or vice versa, the design and colors will remain intact. Fonts may or may not come through OK, depending on what fonts are installed on the machine.
Now let's enter some text. Even though the slide says "Click to add title", you don't have to click anything. Just start typing! The text will automatically go into the Title placeholder.
There is also no need to click to add a subtitle. After you type the title, with the text cursor still at the end of the line, press Ctrl-Enter (Command-Option-Return on the Mac) to put the text cursor in the subtitle box, and type.

Notice that as you edit and format slides, the thumbnails on the left side get updated.
To add a new slide, just press the same shortcut: Ctrl-Enter (Command-Return on the Mac). In the slide that appears, do like before: type a title. As with the title slide, you don't have to click in the "Click to add title box". Just start typing.

For the slide content, you have a choice. You can create a bullet list or you can click one of the six symbols in the middle to insert a table, image or other type of media.
For this exercise, let's create a bullet list. As with a title slide, press Ctrl-Enter (Command-Option-Return on the Mac) to put the text cursor before the first bullet.
Type an item and press Enter to get another bullet. Until you type, the new bullet will be a grayed-out placeholder.

Then type a second item. As soon as you start typing, the bullet will look normal.

To create a second-level bullet, use the Tab key: press Enter to get a third line and a new bullet, then immediately press Tab. Now type a sub-item.
Second level (and third, fourth and fifth level) items work just like first level items. Press Enter to get a new line for another item, then type.

How do get the text cursor back to the first level? Use Shift with the Tab key: press Enter to get another second level item, then press Shift-Tab to bring the cursor back to the left margin. Now you can type more first level items.

At any time, you can go to a slide, click at the beginning of a line of text and press Tab or Shift-Tab to increase or decrease the outline level.
When you're done typing the last bullet, again press Ctrl-Enter (Command-Option-Return on the Mac) to get another slide.
Using these techniques, create one more bullet slide. If the text cursor is no longer inside the text box, here are two ways to create a new slide:
  • Press Ctrl-M (Control-M on the Mac)
  • On the Home tab, click the New Slide button on the left side of the ribbon

Using the techniques described above, create one more slide.

Before running the show, we can apply some simple effects. PowerPoint has two distinct type of effects:
  • Transitions: how one slide gives way to the next slide
  • Animation: the motion of text and objects within a slide
In the thumbnails on the left side, click Slide 2 (the first bullet slide). Then on the ribbon, click the Animations tab. We'll make the title come in first, then make the text come in second.
Click inside the title, then choose an animation. Notice the slide does a quick preview. Now click inside the text and choose the same animation. The slide now shows numbers indicating the order that the items will appear.

Now click the thumbnail for the third slide (second bullet slide) and apply the same animations.

Now we'll apply a simple transition to all three slides. First, select all the thumbnails on the left side one of several ways:
  • Click the last thumbnail, then Shift-click the first (or vice-versa)
  • Ctrl-click each thumbnail (Command-click on the Mac)
  • Click inside the thumbnail area, then select all by pressing Ctrl-A (Command-A on the Mac)
Click the Transitions tab on the ribbon, then choose a transition from the list.

Now it's time to run the show! Either leave all the thumbnails selected, or select just the first one. This will make sure that the show starts with the first slide.
Click the Slide Show button. In Windows, it's in the lower, right corner of PowerPoint, and on the Mac, the button is in the lower, left corner.

There are several ways to advance to the next text item or slide:
  • Click the mouse
  • Press the Enter or Return key
  • Press the Right Arrow or Down Arrow key on the keyboard
  • Press the Spacebar
You can also press the Up Arrow key to go backwards. If you want to exit the slide show before it's finished, press the Esc key.
By default in Windows, after the last slide, PowerPoint will display a black screen (by default on the Mac it won't, but you can go into the Preferences/View section and set that as an option). When you're on the last slide or the black screen, advancing to the next slide will exit the show, as if you pressed Esc.
You now know the basic steps of creating and running a basic PowerPoint presentation. Even long, complex and fancy presentations start the same way. And if you prefer, you can create the content first, then apply the formatting later, since PowerPoint themes make it easy to tweak the design of your entire presentation without changing your content.

Here is An Example of Powerpoint Presentation ----> Follow the link

Learning How To Mail Merge


Microsoft Access is a relational database system, which means its object components are generally interrelated to make sure data flows from one part of the database to another. This makes it easy and hard to perform mail merge.
A table in Microsoft Access is usually configured to accept certain data masks for effective data entry; for example a field can be configured to only accept a valid date or a recognizable employee number. A certain field can also be configured to receive its data either from a list of preset data (such as Ms., Mr., Mrs., or Dr.) or from another table. When this happens, a relationship will have been created between tables. This is wonderful for the functioning of the database. But such a table, when used in a mail merge process, would display numbers (because the fields providing lists or involved in a relationship) are using numbers to represent their data. In Microsoft Access the numbers are transparent, but during a mail merge, Microsoft Word can read only those numbers.
If you are not experienced with mail merge and Microsoft Access but would like to use a  database, create a table in your database so that all fields display obvious data, without involving tables relationships. Later on, when we learn how to program in mail merge, you will know how to deal with those issues. 

Practical Learning Practical Learning: Mail Merging Using a Database

  1. Start Microsoft Word
  2. On the main menu, click Tools -> Mail Merge...
  3. From the Mail Merge Helper, click Create -> Form Letters...

    Mail Merge Helper
  4. From the Microsoft Word dialog, click New Main Document

    Microsoft Word
  5. From the Mail Merge Helper again, click Get Data and click Open Data Source...

    Mail Merge Helper - Open Data Source
  6. From the Open Data Source dialog, click the arrow of the Files Of Types combo box and select MS Access Databases. Using the Look In combo box, locate the folder where the exercise files were installed, it should be C:\My Documents\Mail Merge Files
  7. Click Open.
  8. From the Microsoft Access dialog, click tblMembers

  9. And click OK.
  10. Now Microsoft Word would like you to create the letter.

    Edit Main Document

    Click Edit Main Document
  11. Now we will create the main letter.
    Since in the beginning we decided to create a New Main Document, you should have two instances of Microsoft Word running. From the Taskbar, click the other instance of Microsoft Word, it might display Document1 - Microsoft Word.
  12. On the main menu, click File -> Open...
  13. Locate the C:\My Documents\Mail Merge Files folder
  14. Click MS Access Letter1, then click Open. That opens the document we will use.
  15. On the main menu, click Edit -> Select All.
  16. On the main menu again, click Edit -> Copy
  17. From the Taskbar, click the instance of Microsoft Word that is holding our mail merge process.
  18. On the main menu, click Edit -> Paste. After the letter has been pasted, all we have to do now is to edit the document for our mail merge.
  19. Press Ctrl + Home to get to the beginning of the letter.
  20. Double-click Date to highlight it.
  21. On the main menu, click Insert -> Date and Time...
  22. From the Date And Time dialog, click the 3rd date

  23. And click OK
  24. Highlight CI.
  25. On the Mail Merge toolbar, click Insert Merge Field -> EmergncyTitle
  26. Press Space and click Insert Merge Field -> EmergncyName
  27. Press Enter and click Insert Merge Field -> Address
  28. Press Enter and click Insert Merge Field -> City
  29. Press Space and click Insert Merge Field -> State
  30. Press Space and click Insert Merge Field -> ZIPCode
  31. Press Space and click Insert Merge Field -> Country

  32. Click on the right side of Dear
  33. Click Insert Merge Field -> EmergncyTitle
  34. Press Space and click Insert Merge Field -> EmergncyName
  35. In the paragraph that follows, double-click CHILD to highlight it.
  36. Click Insert Merge Field -> FirstName
  37. Press Space and click Insert Merge Field -> LastName 
  38. In the paragraph that follows, highlight CHILD.
  39. Click Insert Merge Field -> FirstName
  40. In the paragraph that follows, double-click CAMP.
  41. Click Insert Merge Field -> CampSelected. Make sure you have some space between CampSelected and camp.
  42. In the same paragraph, double-click CHILD
  43. Click Insert Merge Field -> FirstName
  44. Click in the empty cell on the right side of Registration Date:
  45. On the Mail Merge toolbar, click Insert Merge Field -> RegistDate
  46. Click on the right side of Registration #:
  47. On the Mail Merge toolbar, click Insert Merge Field -> RegistrationNumber
  48. Click in the empty cell on the right side of Member Name:
  49. On the Mail Merge toolbar, click Insert Merge Field -> FirstName
  50. Press Space and click Insert Merge Field -> LastName
  51. Click in the empty cell on the right side of Contact Information:
  52. On the Mail Merge toolbar, click Insert Merge Field -> Address
  53. Press Enter and click Insert Merge Field -> City
  54. Press Space and click Insert Merge Field -> State
  55. Press Space and click Insert Merge Field -> ZIPCode
  56. Press Space and click Insert Merge Field -> Country
  57. Click in the empty cell on the right side of Emergency Contact:
  58. On the Mail Merge toolbar, click Insert Merge Field -> EmergncyTitle
  59. Press Space and click Insert Merge Field -> EmergncyName
  60. Click on the right side of Phone #:
  61. On the Mail Merge toolbar, click Insert Merge Field -> EmergncyPhone
  62. Click in the empty cell on the right side of Health Issues:
  63. On the Mail Merge toolbar, click Insert Merge Field -> HealthIssues
  64. Click in the empty cell on the right side of Hobbies:
  65. On the Mail Merge toolbar, click Insert Merge Field -> Hobbies
  66. Click in the empty cell on the right side of Camp Selected:
  67. On the Mail Merge toolbar, click Insert Merge Field -> CampSelected
  68. Click in the empty cell on the right side of Start Date:
  69. On the Mail Merge toolbar, click Insert Merge Field -> StartDate
  70. Click on the right side of End Date:
  71. On the Mail Merge toolbar, click Insert Merge Field -> EndDate

  72. To read the letter as merge with a Microsoft Access database table, on the Mail Merge toolbar, click View Merged Data
  73. Use the navigation buttons to review all the letters with each recipient